
David Mattison's Publications: 1978-1989 (redirected from David Mattison's Publications: 1990-1999)

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Publications, Manuscripts and Projects by David Mattison: 1978-1989


A complete bibliography of all my publications, with an unpublished manuscript or two thrown in for good measure. Book reviews, of which there are probably over 200 since 1976, are not included.



January 1978: "Cataloguing Historical Photographs with ISBD(NBM)," with Saundra Sherman, Archivaria no. 5 (Winter 1977-78): 101-111.



May 1979: "The Great Eastern Photographic and Advertising Company Comes to Town," Vancouver History, v. 18, no. 3: 9-15. Documents the work of an itinerant American photo company in Vancouver, B.C.

June 1979: excerpts from "A Distant Vision: Illustrated Photographs from the West Coast," with J. Michael Yates, West Coast Review, v. 14, no. 1: 34-37. A playful juxtaposition of photographs selected by David Mattison with poetic illustrations by J. Michael Yates.

December 1979: " '...A Very Superior Style of Art:' The Vancouver Photographs of J.A. Brock & Co.," Photo Communique, v. 1, no. 5 (Nov./Dec. 1979): 16-18, 20-21. J.A. Brock & Co., managed by Harry T. Devine, was the only one of two photographic businesses to survive Vancouver's June 13, 1886 fire.



1980: Treasures of Canada (Toronto: Samuel-Stevens); wrote the Vancouver-Lower? Mainland entries.

May 1980: "Beyond Words: C.S. Bailey's Photographic Life," Vancouver History, v. 19, no. 3 (May 1980): 17-28. A study of the most important documentary photographer in 19th century Vancouver, B.C.

October 1980: "The Multiple Self of Hannah Maynard," Vanguard, v. 9, no. 8: 14-19. A critique of this Victoria photographer's highly personal "multiples" imagery. A short, revisionist look at her work in light of A.S. Rappertie's long employment by Mrs. Maynard was published by the Victoria Times-Colonist in 2003 under the title "What About Rappertie?".

October 19-20, 1980: "The Maynards: A Victoria Photographic Couple," (Victoria) Times-Colonist (Islander Magazine): 3.



January 1981: "The Victoria Theatre Photographic Gallery (And the Gallery Next Door)," British Columbia Historical News, v. 14, no. 2 (Winter 1980): 1-14. A study of a long-lived photo gallery and its many owners.

Fall 1981: "On the March: Indian Brass Bands, 1866-1916," British Columbia. Historical News, v. 15, no. 1: 6-14. The first photographic survey of native Indian brass bands.

Winter 1981-82: "Books and the Historical Photograph," BC Studies, no. 52 (Winter 1981-82): 157-165. Criticism of British Columbia illustrated histories.

Winter 1981-82: "British Columbia Photographers of the Nineteenth Century: An Annotated, Select Bibliography," BC Studies, no. 52 (Winter 1981-82): 166-170.



Summer & Autumn 1982: "Sweet Old Tunes," Brass International, v. 10, no. 2: 16-18 & no. 3:14-15, 33. Edited reprint of B.C. Historical News article above.

Summer 1982: "C.S. Bailey: A Photographer's Life," unpublished manuscript completed with the aid of a Canada Council Explorations Grant.



Nothing published this year.



1984: Voices: A Guide to Oral History. Assistant editor with Derek Reimer and Allen W. Specht. (Victoria: Sound and Moving Image Division, Provincial Archives of British Columbia). Willa K. Baum cites this in her Oral History for the Local History Society (1987) as "An excellent manual ... a best buy."

Winter 1984: "An 1897 Sea Serpent Sighting in the Queen Charlotte Islands," British Columbia Historical News, v.17 no. 2: 15.

January-March 1984: "The World's Panorama Company," History of Photography, v. 8, no. 1: 47-48. The first article in this international journal about any photographic efforts in British Columbia, Canada.

June 1984: "In Visioning the City: Urban History Techniques Through Historical Photographs," Urban History Review, v, 13, no. 1: 43-52.

July 1984: "Daguerreians, Tintypists, & Sunbeam Burners: Photographers of Victoria in the 19th Century," Discovery (Friends of the BC Provincial Museum Quarterly Review), v. 12, no. 3: (2-3).



January 1985: Inventory and Subject Index of Principal Oral Hisory Collections. Sound and Moving Image Division, Provincial Archives of British Columbia. One of three archivists who compiled this work.

February 1985: Camera Workers: The British Columbia Photographers Directory, 1858-1900. Vol. 1. Victoria: Camera Workers Press. 274 p. ISBN 0-9692029-0-3. The current online version which covers selected photographers in BC, Alaska and the Yukon Territory up to 1950 is at http://cameraworkers.davidmattison.com.

March 1985: "The Mirror of Prejudice?: Vancouver Chinese and Nineteenth Century Photographers," in Gum San/Gold Mountain: Images of Gold Mountain, 1886-1947 (Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery): 15-17. Photographic exhibit catalogue.

April-June 1985: "Richard Maynard: Photographer of Victoria, B.C.," History of Photography, v. 9, no. 2: 109-129. The first article in this journal about a resident British Columbia photographer.

July 1985: "Tracks of Glass: Photographers and the CPR, 1881-1887," Discovery (Friends of the BC Provincial Museum Quarterly Review), v. 13, no. 3: (2-3).

Fall 1985: "All the Latest Improvements: Vancouver Photographic Studios of the Nineteenth Century," Material History Bulletin (no. 22): 49-52.

September 1985: "Knight, Harry Upperton" and "Maynard, Hannah and Richard" in The Canadian Encyclopedia (Hurtig); reprinted on CD-ROM edition by McClelland? & Stewart (Toronto), 1996, 1997; available online at The Canadian Encyclopedia Web site.

October 1985-1990: Contributor of several thousand Canadian terms to Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary, various editions (Detroit: Gale Research Co.).

November 1985: "The British Columbia Government's First Film Unit," Reel West Magazine, v. 1, no. 4: 9. A brief look at the rise and demise of the British Columbia Patriotic and Educational Film Service (fl. 1920-21).

December 1985: "Computing the Past: Micros, Minis, and the Provincial Archives of British Columbia," in Archives, Automation & Access: Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Conference at the University of Victoria, March 1-2, 1985 131-138.



March-April 1986: "The Maynards: A Victoria Photographic Couple," Photographic Canadiana, v. 11, no. 5: 2-4.

June 1986: "The British Columbia Government Travel Bureau & Motion Picture Production, 1937-1947," in Flashback: People and Institutions in Canadian Film History, ed. Gene Walz. Montreal: Mediatexte Publications: 79-104.

June-July 1986: "Cowboy Kean: B.C.'s First Professional Film Producer," Reel West Magazine, v. 2, no. 1: 10-11.

August 1986: Eyes of a City: Early Vancouver Photographers, 1868-1900. City of Vancouver Archives Occasional Paper No. 3. Vancouver, B.C.: City of Vancouver Archives. 75 p. ISBN 0-9691637-1-1.

November 1986: "The Projected Image: Provincial Government Travel Films, 1920-1984." Fourth British Columbia Studies Conference, Victoria. 25 p. Unpublished presentation, but available in various libraries.



January-February 1987: "A Fair Wind Blowing: Richard Maynard's Tours on HMS Boxer, 1873-1874," Photographic Canadiana, v. 12, no. 4: 2-5.

April 1987: "Picturesque British Columbia: The Life and Photographs of S.J. Thompson," Journal of the West, v. 26, no. 2: 17-26. The first biography of this major British Columbia photographer, active between 1885 and his death in 1929.

June-July 1987: "Photographing the Frontier: Frank Jay Haynes in Canada," The Beaver, v. 67, no. 3: 24-36. The first detailed account of this important American photographer's visit to Canada in 1881 on a commission from the newly established Canadian Pacific Railway Company. A revised and expanded version of this article was published in Photographic Canadiana (January/February 1998 and March/April 1998).

September 13, 1987: "Liliuokalani and the Vancouver Army," Times-Colonist (Islander Magazine): (2 p.). Mentioned in several studies of the Hawaiian revolution, this is the first detailed study of a Canadian plot to restore Queen Liliuokalani in January 1894.

October-December 1987: "Gentile's Lost Square Deal Box," History of Photography, v. 11, no. 4: 261-263. Brief account of a lost collection of stereo negatives and other photographic items belonging to Charles Gentile who worked as a photographer in British Columbia (1863-1866), San Francisco (1867), the U.S. Southwest (1868-1878?), and Chicago (1880s).



February 1988: "The Golden Days of Buck Choquette," sold to The Beaver (unpublished). Alexander "Buck" Choquette (1829-1898) was a French-Canadian? fur trader on the Stikine River in the 1860s. He was reputedly one of the discoverers of gold on the Stikine in 1861 and later ran a trading post/lodge for travellers; among his guests in the late 1870s was the famous California naturalist John Muir.

February 14, 1988: "William Duncan's Octagons," Times-Colonist (Islander Magazine): M1, M4. The first detailed history of two lost octagonal church-schoolhouses built in Victoria (1860) and Metlakatla, B.C. (1862), both of which involved the Church Missionary Society lay missionary William Duncan.

April-June 1988: "Sitting Bull in Canada: the Last Photographs by F. Jay Haynes," History of Photography, v. 12, no. 2: 121-123.



February-March 1989: "A.D. Kean, Canada's Cowboy Movie-Maker?," with Dennis J. Duffy, The Beaver, v. 69, no. 1: 28-41.

July-September 1989: "Arthur Vipond's Certificate of Competency in Photography," History of Photography, v. 13, no. 3: 223-233.


Publications, Manuscripts and Projects by David Mattison: 1990-1999

Publications, Manuscripts and Projects by David Mattison: 2000-2009

Publications, Manuscripts and Projects by David Mattison: 2010-2019

Publications, Manuscripts and Projects by David Mattison: 2020-Forthcoming

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