May 2021: "Edward Dossetter: The Odyssey of a Victorian and Edwardian Photographer" for Photographic Canadiana, v. 47, no. 1 (May-June 2021): 4-14. A lead cover story about a British photographer who briefly resided in New Zealand and British Columbia, Canada, before returning to England. Date updated: December 8, 2023.
December 2022: "Notman vs Maynard: A Photo Mystery with Artistic Overtones." With the contributions of Heather McNabb. Photographic Canadiana, v. 48, no. 3 (Oct.-Dec. 2022), p. 16-28. A lead cover story about a Richard Maynard photograph mistakenly credited to the Notman studio of Montreal and how it and Notman photographs were used to create giant paintings for the Colonial and Indian Exhibition of 1886. Date updated: December 8, 2023.
January 2023: "Gosnell, R. Edward". In Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 16, University of Toronto; Université Laval, 2023 URL (accessed April 20, 2023): Updated: April 20, 2023.
January 2023: "Horetzky's Lost (and Found) Negatives: An Illustrated Tale." Photographic Canadiana, v. 48, no. 4. A lead cover story around a previously unknown episode involving C.G. Horetzky's 1875 Canadian Pacific Railway survey negatives of the Bute Inlet route along the Homathko River in British Columbia. The negatives were lost and then recovered following the disastrous sinking of the Pacific. Date updated: December 8, 2023.
December 3, 2023: "Lost and found: Negatives that went down with SS Pacific document attempts to find new route to goldfields." Times-Colonist, "Islander", p.4-7. A cover story around C.G. Horetzky's 1875 Canadian Pacific Railway survey negatives of the Bute Inlet route along the Homathko River in British Columbia which were lost and then recovered following the disastrous sinking of the Pacific. URL (acessed December 8, 2023): Date updated: December 8, 2023.
December 31, 2023: "The Syndication of a Mrs. R. Maynard Haida Village Photograph." Photographic Canadiana , v. 49, no. 3 (Oct.-Dec. 2023), p. 4-14. An explication of the many markings on the verso of a Mrs. R. Maynard photograph. Date updated: January 30, 2024.
Forthcoming: "Richard Maynard Photographs Yellowstone National Park: Or Did He?" Photographic Canadiana. A look at some photographs of Yellowstone published in Claire Wilks' The Magic Box, which are very likely not Richard Maynard's work but copies of photographs by T.W. Ingersoll of St. Paul, Minnesota. Date added: March 26, 2024.
Forthcoming: "Richard Maynard: The Making of a 19th Century Stereo Photographer." No publisher available. Richard Maynard was the foremost stereo photographer and publisher in 19th century British Columbia. He relied on his wife's studio (Mrs. R. Maynard) for his stereo production. She sometimes published single-frame views of his stereo work. Date added: October 11, 2024.
Forthcoming: "Richard Maynard: The Making of a 19th Century Landscape Photographer." Photographic Canadiana. An overview of Richard Maynard's career as an extraordinary landscape photographer. Date added: December 4, 2023.
Not Forthcoming: The Stikine River: 19th Century Narratives of Exploration and Adventure on the Great River. An anthology of published accounts from the 19th century about Russian, Canadian and American explorers and adventurers on this magnificent river that flows in northwestern BC to Alaska. Date added: October 2002.
Not Forthcoming: "The Future of Archives in the Future: An Anthology of Short Fiction" compiled by David Mattison.
Summary of Book Reviews
Numerous book reviews on a variety of subjects, for example, photographic history, modern American and Canadian fiction, art and architectural history, biography, published since 1976 in newspapers (Vancouver Sun, Victoria Times-Colonist), scholarly journals and specialized magazines (Archivaria, B.C. Historical News, BC Studies, Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society, Photo Communique, ter (Telecommunications Electronic Reviews), Visual Resources, among others), book/library trade journals (Quill and Quire, Library Journal) and the Canadian Book Review Annual.
David Mattison's Publications: 1978-1989
Publications, Manuscripts and Projects by David Mattison: 1990-1999
Publications, Manuscripts and Projects by David Mattison: 2000-2009
Publications, Manuscripts and Projects by David Mattison: 2010-2019
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