
Publications, Manuscripts and Projects by David Mattison: 1990-1999

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April-June 1990: "The Claudets of British Columbia: Melting, Assaying, and Photographing All Day," History of Photography, v. 14, no. 2: 135-153. Discusses the photography and life of Francis George Claudet (1837-1906), youngest son of Antoine Francois Jean Claudet (1797-1867). Long version.

October-November 1990: "The Eyes of a City: Pioneer Photographers Caught Vancouver's Early Years," The Beaver, v. 70, no. 5: 23-29.

November 1990: "The Claudets of British Columbia." In Shadow and Substance" Essays on the History of Photography in Honor of Heinz K. Henisch. Ed. by Kathleen Collins. (Bloomfield Hills, Mich.: Amorphous Institute Press, 1990): 143-151. Short version in festschrift honoring the first editor of the international journal History of Photography.



February 1991: British Columbia Voters' Lists, 1874-1990: Register of Holdings of the British Archives and Records Service Library and the Legislative Library of British Columbia. (Victoria: Library, Client Services Section, British Columbia Archives and Records Service), 1991. 33 leaves.

August 1991: Catalogues, Guides and Inventories to the Archives of Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories and the Yukon Territory: A Selected Bibliography of Publications, 1968-1990. Occasional Papers, 91-01. Vancouver, B.C.: Archives Association of British Columbia. 21 p. ISBN 1-895584-00-0.



April 1992: "Connecting on the Net: A Virtuall Introduction to the Global Internet," The (BCLA) Reporter, v. 36, no. 2: 33-38.

Autumn 1992: "The North-west Pacific Coast Photographic Voyages, 1866-81," with Daniel Savard. History of Photography, v. 16, no. 3: 268-288.



1993: Encyclopedia of Recorded Sound in the United States. Guy A. Marco, editor, and Frank Andrews, contributing editor. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, vol. 936. New York: Garland Publishing, 1993. Advisory Board member.

February 1993: "The Victoria Free-Net: A Report from Canada's First Free-Net," BCLA Reporter.

Spring 1993: "Unix Commands and Tools for Navigating the Internet from CUE.BC.CA," CUE Journal.

Spring 1993: "Towards An Archival Information Network for British Columbia": Part 1, AABC Newsletter, v. 3, no. 2: 4-6.

Summer 1993: "Towards An Archival Information Network for British Columbia": Part 2, AABC Newsletter, v, 3, no. 3: 17-19.



January 10, 1994: "Private Sector Likely the Biggest Threat to Privacy," Times-Colonist (op-ed).

Spring 1994-present: Webmaster for Victoria Telecommunity Network (formerly Victoria Free-Net). Developed many Web pages, including Commonwealth Games, Election '96 British Columbia, Election '97 Canada, Community Computer Networks and Free-Nets, Libraries, Books, Music, World-Wide? Web Services, BC Web Sites/Home Pages, Gateway to Victoria, Christmas and the Holiday Season, and Now Showing: Film and TV.

May 1994: "Librarians and the Free-Net Movement," Computers in Libraries, v. 14, no. 5: 46-50, 52.

June 1994: "Victoria Free-Net, Year Two of Canada's Oldest Free-Net," BCLA Reporter.



May 1995: A Celebration of Photography: 50 Years of Photography with the Victoria Camera Club. Victoria, BC: Victoria Camera Club. Chapter 1, "Early Victoria Photography: The First Adventurers!" is based on Camera Workers, 1858-1900.

Summer 1995: "Government Archives on the Internet: An Address List," with Timothy Slavin. NAGARA Clearinghouse, v. 11, no. 3: 10-11.

October 14, 1995-present: British Columbia History Internet/Web Site. Hosted by the Victoria Telecommunity Network. See also: British Columbia History Web Portal.

Fall 1995: "Buried in Paradise: Cemeteries in the Hawaiian Islands Part 1," Stories in Stone (Old Cemeteries Society, Victoria, BC), v. 5, no. 3: 7-12.



January 1996-present: The Fictional World of Archives, Art Galleries and Museums. Hosted by the Victoria Telecommunity Network; originally hosted by Leon Miller, Tulane University, New Orleans. Ever wonder how important archives, archivists, records and manuscripts are to fiction writers? This is the place to go! Updated in December 1999 to encompass art galleries, artists, museums and their personnel. A permanent selection of the National Library of Canada Electronic Collection.

Spring 1996: "Buried in Paradise: Burial Customs and Rituals in Old Hawaii Part 2," Stories in Stone (Old Cemeteries Society, Victoria, BC), v. 6, no. 2: 6-9.

Summer 1996: "Canadian Photography: A Selected Bibliography," History of Photography, v. 20, no. 2: 186-188. Portions of this bibliography were available through my A BC Historian Web site (no longer active).



Spring 1997: "The Fictional World of Archives: A Web Site," AABC Newsletter, v. 7, no. 2: 3.

April 17, 1997: "The Photographers of Onderdonk's Way," Onderdonk's Way, A Kamloops Art Gallery Virtual Exhibition, April 17-June 1, 1997. Essay accompanying Internet/Web exhibit curated by Roger H. Boulet of photographs taken along the portion of the Canadian Pacific Railway construction contract between Port Moody and Eagles Pass awarded Andrew Onderdonk.

October 1997: Biographies of Western Photographers: A Reference Guide to Photographers Working in the 19th Century American West. Carl Mautz. Nevada City, CA: Carl Mautz Publishing. Supplied nearly all the entries for the Alaska & Yukon section; the British Columbia section is based on Camera Workers.

October/November 1997: "Photo Nuggets: Klondike Photographers ", The Beaver, v. 7, no. 5: 33-39. First article documenting the collective work of major photographers of the Klondike Gold Rush.



January/February 1998: "A Fair Collection of Views: F.J. Haynes in Canada, 1881: Part One", Photographic Canadiana, v. 23, no. 4 (January/February 1998): 4-7. Part Two, Photographic Canadiana, v. 23, no. 5 (March/April 1998): 4-7. Revised and expanded version of article originally published in June-July? 1987 in The Beaver.

Spring 1998: "The Digital Domain: Selected Internet Resources for the Study of British Columbia", BC Studies, no. 117 (Spring 1998): 97-106. First of an intermittent feature documenting electronic resources for the study of British Columbia.

June 18, 1998: Oak Bay Community Heritage Commission Web Site. Developed the first version of the Web sie as a volunteer project. Updated portions of the Web site in November 2001.

June 19, 1998: James Cameron's Titanic 1999 Calendar (HarperCollins). Researched and wrote historic text for the official calendar tie-in to the biggest movie of the century.



1999: Canadian Government Information on the Internet (Depository Services Program, Public Works Canada). Reviewed and rewrote several British Columbia Provincial Government abstracts for BC government Web sites.

Spring 1999: "The Digital Domain No. 2: Selected Internet Databases and Indexes for the Study of British Columbia." BC Studies, no. 121 (Spring 1999): 141-162.

April 30, 1999-ongoing: Camera Workers: The British Columbia, Alaska & Yukon Photographic Directory, 1858-1950. Revised, online edition. This 15th anniversary electronic-only revision includes photographers in the Yukon Territory (principally during the Kondike Gold Rush period, 1898-1900) and Alaska prior to 1898, along with all known British Columbia professional photographers, selected amateurs and cinematographers from 1858 to 1950. A permanent selection of the National Library of Canada Electronic Collection.

November/December 1999: "G.R. Fardon's Portraits on Patent Leather at the London International Exhibition, 1862: Newly Discovered at the Victoria and Albert Museum." Photographic Canadiana v. 25, no. 3 (November/December 1999): 4-7. Essay about nine Fardon portraits on leather exhibited in London in 1862 and rediscovered at the V&A Museum by Mark Haworth-Booth who invited me to write the article.


David Mattison's Publications: 1978-1989

Publications, Manuscripts and Projects by David Mattison: 2000-2009

Publications, Manuscripts and Projects by David Mattison: 2010-2019

Publications, Manuscripts and Projects by David Mattison: 2020-Forthcoming

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